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Chips, Cracks or Spaces Between Teeth: Dental Veneers Can Remedy a Wide Range of Issues

Chips, Cracks or Spaces Between Teeth: Dental Veneers Can Remedy a Wide Range of Issues

Dental veneers are thin shells of porcelain or resin that attach to the surface of your teeth with the purpose of changing their size, shape, and color. Veneers hide cosmetic issues such as chips, cracks, and gaps. They’re also resistant to stains from food and drinks. 

Benedict Kim, DDS and his team at the A Caring Dental Group recommend dental veneers to patients who want to improve the appearance of an. imperfect smile with a permanent yet minimally invasive procedure.

Benefits of dental veneers

Thinking of getting veneers but aren’t sure if they’re worth the investment? Dental veneers can remedy a wide range of cosmetic issues with your smile, and they offer the following advantages:

Veneers are irreversible and made to last. If you treat your veneers with care, avoiding chewing on ice or opening bottles with your teeth, they can last up to 15 years.

Regular dental checkups and professional cleanings and at least two visits per year are recommended, as cavities can develop in teeth covered by veneers. Veneers do not cause cavities, but it’s important to maintain excellent oral hygiene so the teeth behind the veneers stay healthy.

How dental veneers hide imperfections 

In the hands of an experienced dental professional, dental veneers can easily mask chips, cracks, stains, and gaps. The shells of your new veneers attach to the fronts of your teeth, completely covering what you don’t like about your natural teeth.

Veneers can be made to any shape or color. For natural-looking results, Dr. Kim customizes veneers to fit perfectly over your teeth by using a series of digital X-rays and 3D scans. 

During your first appointment, Dr. Kim removes a thin layer of your tooth enamel to accommodate the veneer material and takes an impression of your teeth. 

During your second appointment, he removes the temporary veneers and tests the fit of the permanent ones before setting them into place. This procedure takes about an hour to complete and is done under an anesthetic to avoid discomfort. 

Although there’s no downtime, you should avoid sticky and hard foods during the first few days after the procedure.

Find out whether you’re a good candidate for veneers

Most people are good candidates for veneers as long as they have enough enamel for the veneers to bond to and don’t suffer from gum disease. 

Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, can cause problems, but you can use a night guard to prevent damage to your teeth. Even if you suffer from bruxism, veneers can address your cosmetic dental concerns. 

The only potential downside of veneers is tooth sensitivity. Because a thin layer of tooth enamel is removed to attach veneers, some people may experience sensitivity to cold or hot drinks. 

Are you tired of hiding your less-than-perfect smile? Contact us to schedule an appointment to get your own smile makeover.

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